Gilgal Statement Regarding COVID-19
March 12, 2020


With the news about COVID-19 (commonly known as Coronavirus) continuing to unfold, many are thinking of personal safety and the protection of their loved ones. With that in mind, the leadership team at Gilgal wants to assure its stakeholders that we are committed to taking necessary precautions to prevent the spread of the virus among our residents, staff, and visitors.

New information is being released daily, and we have become aware of individuals living and working in Fulton county who have contracted the virus. While the information is concerning, we are prayerful and continue to trust in the sovereignty of our God who remains in control — of all things, at all times.

We also recognize our responsibility as good stewards of God’s ministry at Gilgal to respond ethically and responsibly to the evolving information. To this end, we are closely monitoring the situation and incorporating updates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Georgia Department of Public Safety, who are collaborating to ensure the most accurate and timely information is disseminated. By following recommended precautions and planning ahead, we believe we can help maintain a safer environment at Gilgal for both our internal and external associates.

As of the time of this letter, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Situation Summary states, “For most people, the immediate risk of being exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19 is thought to be low. This virus is not currently widespread in the United States.” Similar statements have been made by the Georgia Department of Public Health.

As an agency, we are familiar with addressing communicable diseases in a closely sheltered living environment. We will continue to take normal routine precautions and add any additional recommendations as conditions warrant. We are directing staff to diligently monitor residents and report any fever or flu-like symptoms immediately. Should a contagious illness be identified, the affected resident will remain isolated from others, and every precaution taken to safeguard everyone involved.

Staff and residents have also been instructed to clean frequently touched surfaces daily and practice good hand-washing/hand sanitizing techniques. Hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes/spray, and cleaning supplies have been made available.

Anyone who has traveled in the last 14 days to an area identified by the CDC with widespread sustained (ongoing) transmission of the coronavirus (China, Iran, Italy, or South Korea) is asked to please contact Gilgal before coming to our campus. This will help us ensure that all appropriate precautions are taken.

The safety and health of our Gilgal family and friends is our first priority. We are currently assessing our internal staffing and programs and limiting client and visitor activity until further notice. We will continue to make adjustments to address evolving circumstances as needed.

Please be in prayer for those affected by this illness and for the responding medical professionals. And, please be sure to access the information being supplied by local, state and federal sources. Information is valuable in helping us contain this outbreak. Ultimately, we trust God to provide the wisdom and resources needed to keep everyone safe.

Thank you for your patience and support. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office at 404-305-8007.

Val Cater
Executive Director / Founder

Categories: Ministry Update